
Phoenix Fletcher Thornburg is a fine art, documentary and portrait photographer living outside of Nashville, TN. An explorer by nature, Phoenix was born near Kansas City, Mo, and has lived in a Buddhist Temple on the Big Island of Hawaii, in a remote cabin on Mt Shasta, and in a carriage house in the heart of New Orleans, amongst other interesting places, before settling into her bucolic homestead in middle Tennessee. 

She has both studied and created art all of her life, using both brush and camera, with photography being her most constant medium. She was honored to be able develop her eye for fine art by studying photography and film at the San Francisco Art Institute. Phoenix has worked professionally in the fashion and music industries, and has always been appreciated for her creative, direct, and sensitive approach to her subject matter. She works to bring the beauty she sees into the frame, that the viewer might share her perspective. She is dedicated to art for art's sake. 

Phoenix currently works in both film and digital formats.

Artist Statement

The time-honored art of preserving time through the photographic lens has long fascinated me. The viewfinder offers a structured limitation, inside which I find an outlet for exploration, reflection and expression. I am interested in the potential for time and space to be imprinted by energy and vibration, and try to translate this evocation of emotions by means of the photograph; storytelling. 

Living and working in Louisiana and Tennessee over the last decade has nourished the roots of my perspective with a constant flow of not only the profound and awesome beauty of nature found here, but also with local history and the lore. "Southern Gothic" in style, my current body of work is a reflection of the haunted, heartbreaking, macabre and feral aspects of humanity, within the contexts of nature and culture in the South.


*Currently Seeking

Using Format